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Experiences i with a Humanistic Outlook

Experiences i with a Humanistic Outlook
Experiences i with a Humanistic Outlook
Allows you to live a challenging experience and develop disciplinary, ethic and citizen competences while fulfilling a social need.

Experiences i with a Humanistic Outlook

A semester length academic activity (can be summer or week) that intentionally fosters competencies for the development of ethical and citizen commitment, allowing the accreditation of hours of social service too.

Experiences i with Human Sense propitiate in students:

  • Development of the human sense of future professionals, by putting their personal talent and professional excellence at the service of others.
  • Recognition and Importance of the social function in the exercise of their profession, in a constructive, supportive and sustainable manner.
  • Contribution to the development and social transformation of the country through the link with socio-training organizations.

Distinctive elements

Answer social needs of the country, framed in the UN Sustainable Development Goals to be addressed through disciplinary competencies, the transversal of ethical and citizen commitment and other transversal competences.

Ensure the realization of Social Service formation units, from an ethical and citizen perspective.

To have a training partner organization bond, with neighborhood associations, public entities, civil society organizations, companies (as long as the training unit is aligned to meet some of the needs contemplated in the Objectives UN Sustainable Development); scientific research centers, student groups (with social projects) and programs of the Institution or organized groups of people, in order to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of society.

Deliver a product or service in favor of the organization or the beneficiaries aimed at addressing the social need addressed. This will serve as evidence of the student´s learned and developed skills and will be handled at the end of the activity, project, experience or training unit.

Ethic and Citizen Commitment

Recognition and Empathy
Dignity, rights, contributions and personal circumstances are treated with respect, trying to present constructive and solidarity solutions against foreign situations.

Solves social, professional and academic life, through the accomplishment of laws, norms and ethical principles.

Compromiso Ético Ciudadano, Experiencias i con Sentido Humano

Citizen commitment for social transformation
Builds solidarity, sustainable and committed solutions for social needs and problematics, through strategies that strengthen democracy and common well.

Ethic arguments
Provides solution to problems of several life scopes, with ethic conscience, principles and values.

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