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Core Labs Additive Manufacturing

Core Lab Manufactura Aditiva
Core Lab Manufactura Aditiva
What is the Core Lab in Additive Manufacturing?
logo manufactura aditiva


The Core Lab in Additive Manufacturing is an initiative of Tecnologico de Monterrey that provides high-end products and services, specializing in additive manufacturing, a set of disruptive technologies for manufacturing prototypes and complex geometrical components through layer-by-layer deposition. Its mission is to foster collaboration and synergy among industry, universities, and users to promote the adoption and advancement of Additive Manufacturing in Mexico and the world.

The general objective of the Additive Manufacturing Core Lab is to be a global reference for research and innovation to develop materials and functional prototypes by establishing a technological ecosystem that encourages collaboration among industry, research centers, universities, and end users, thus accelerating innovation and industrial scaling.

What are our Objectives?
actividades investigacion

Promote and develop research and technology transfer activities in additive manufacturing and Industry 4.0.


Promote innovation by generating technology-based companies, strengthen the supply chain, and promote nearshoring in the Northeast of Mexico.

Capital humano

Train highly specialized personnel in Additive Manufacturing techniques to identify and develop scalable technological solutions.


Create an ecosystem for creativity, innovation, research, and the training of undergraduate and graduate students.


Promote a technological ecosystem for industry, universities, technology providers, and users.

Manufactura Aditiva Tec

Who are the benefactors?

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Grupos de Investigación:

Brindamos apoyo a los grupos de investigación para acelerar la innovación y fabricación de prototipos funcionales y el desarrollo de soluciones tecnologías escalables. 

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Colaboramos con estudiantes de pregrado y posgrado en la manufactura de prototipos y la investigación, permitiéndoles avanzar en la tecnología de manufactura aditiva.

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Public administration:

We promote the dissemination of technological developments among industry chambers and clusters, visiting chambers of commerce, companies, sector associations, and missions in other countries. The purpose is to demonstrate the technological capacity of the Institution to these interested groups.

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Administraciones Públicas:

Promovemos la divulgación de desarrollos tecnológicos en cámaras industriales y clústeres, así como la realización de visitas con grupos de cámaras de comercio, empresas, asociaciones sectoriales y misiones de otros países. Todo esto con el propósito de mostrar la capacidad tecnológica de la Institución a estos grupos interesados.

¿Por qué colaborar con Core Lab de Manufactura Aditiva?
Tecnología avanzada

Advanced technology transfer

We facilitate technology transfer to industries at TRL levels 4 to 7.


Latest generation equipment

We use state-of-the-art equipment to increase productivity and reliability in highly regulated aeronautics, healthcare, and automotive sectors.


Manufacturing of functional prototypes

We specialize in the manufacturing of functional prototypes with superior quality and replicability.

tecnologia dmlm

DMLM technology

We employ direct metal laser melting (DMLM) technology to achieve high precision and mechanical properties equivalent to traditional forged materials.

Core Lab Capabilities and Services
Servicios core Lab manufactura aditiva

In this first phase of the Additive Manufacturing Core Lab, we offer the service of printing 3D functional prototypes with Direct-Metal-Laser-Melting (DMLM) technology using superalloys such as steels, H13 tools, Nickel 625, Nickel X, Titanium Ti6Al4V ELI Grade 23, Titanium cp-Ti, Titanium Ti6242, Cobalt CoCrMo, Cobalt CoCrW and traditional materials like Stainless Steel 316L, Stainless Steel 17-4PH, Maraging Steel M300, Tool Steel H13, Aluminum AlSi10Mg, Aluminum A205, and Aluminum AlSi7Mg, with a precision of 0.015 mm for a maximum volume construction of 245 x 245 x 300 mm.

Core Lab: Manufactura Aditiva
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