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Zone Ei

Zone Ei

In the Innovative Entrepreneurship Zone, students, teachers, graduates and the entrepreneurial community are linked with the internal and external ecosystem of their regions.

Emprendimiento, Zone Ei
Emprendimiento, Zona Ei

With the strategy of attraction, selectivity and high-impact startups, the aim is to support high-impact entrepreneurs with their innovative companies or startups with the greatest potential for growth and scaling, providing them with access to financing channels, as well as the management of the processes of commercialization of scientific projects and technological endeavors that contribute to a knowledge economy. For this, it has the support of specialized mentors in cutting-edge sectors, links with funds and external accelerators, among others.

Promotion of new companies (startups): Zona Ei

Red de Incubadoras y Aceleradoras de Empresas con el Modelo TecLean.
Mentores Enlace + .





INPUT: Identify oportunity
OUTPUT: Validated business idea  validada y prototipe (MVP) validate.


INPUT: Validated business idea  validada y prototipe (MVP) validate.
OUTPUT: Business starting operation + Replicable and scalable business model.


INPUT: Business starting operation + Replicable and scalable business model.
OUTPUT: Compliance with objectives established during diagnosis.