Zona Shero
Empowerment: Autonomy to be an entrepreneur #WOMANPOWER.
Gender equality: Access, use and benefits of resources and equal opportunities in the #GENDEREQUALITY ecosystem.
Communities/Sisterhood: How women connect with other women in business #SISTERHOOD.
Sustainability: Economic dimension, social dimension and environmental dimension #ODS.
Zona SHERO 2019
1. Zona SHERO
Zona SHERO emerges from INCmty women’s entrepreneurial community and is included in Tecnológico de Monterrey’s nine HeforShe commitments - UN Women.
2. FundHer4Change
Call for women entrepreneurs, 80 registrations: training workshops, Pitch round, and contact with angel investors propelled by ZONA SHERO, IEEGL, together with INIXAR, INCmty and CRDH.
3. Mentor network
Creation of the network to enhance the path of female entrepreneurs, based on the experience and knowledge of women role models.
4. INCmty Zona SHERO
Agenda 24 conferences, 3 panels, silence disco, 2 meet up, SpeakHer Night and Demo Day FundHer4Change.
5. Workshops
“Gafas moradas” on the entrepreneurial ecosystem, for IEEGL directors, educators and businesspersons and 30 women entrepreneurs.
6. Start-up
Weekend Women In 54 hours, experiencing the ups and downs, fun, and pressure that comprise the life of a startup, with female and male mentors.
7. Academia Zona SHERO
Group of educators and researchers generating knowledge on women’s entrepreneurship from the perspective of gender.
Foreign Activites
Pitch Round
Women expositors
women assistant
men assistant
(more than 2000)
FundHer4Change – 2da. Generación
Speedy Connections
Program for female entrepreneurs to know more about their business, crowdfunding and prepare their pitch in front of investors.
Five sessions with the aim of promoting the creation and strengthening of a network of connections and contacts among university students at Tecnológico de Monterrey.
Program that promotes the development of future female angel investors for the injection of capital into early-stage startups.