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Vista de Noche Rectoría Campus Tec de Monterrey

Rector for Higher Education

Juan Pablo Murra

Rector for Higher Education

Tec of Monterrey is a platform that allows connecting talent, ideas and technology to create shared values.

Juan Pablo Murra

Forming committed leaders to the development of a more prosperous, just and sustainable world.


Juan Pablo Murra

The development of a community is determined by the future leaders we form today.

Juan Pablo Murra

Juan Pablo Murra Lascurain is the Rector for Higher Education at Tecnológico de Monterrey and a professor of leadership, family business and corporate governance. He is passionate about education, leadership and transformation.

Juan Pablo has held several roles at the institution since joining in 2011. As Vice President for Development & External Affairs, he led institutional outreach and was responsible for strengthening the engagement with the worldwide EXATEC alumni community and for initiatives to enhance major giving and philanthropy. In addition, he led the creation of a social impact department at the university, designed to deepen collaboration with industry, government, organizations, and institutions in supporting disadvantaged communities, and enhance the university's agency in building a more just, inclusive, responsible and sustainable Mexico.

As Vice President for Planning and Transformation, he led the integration and implementation of the 2020 Strategic Plan and the organizational redesign and transformation strategy that catalyzed several critical education innovation initiatives. These included the academic restructuring of the university across six schools, the introduction of the Tec21 Educational Model, a comprehensive faculty development program, and a new student enrolment and scholarship model. In addition, he championed the creation of the Eugenio Garza Lagüera Entrepreneurship Institute, the development of TecLabs and the Novus initiative, and institutional partnerships with online education platforms edX and Coursera, among others.

As Dean of the Business School, he led a community of almost 20,000 students and 1,000 full-time and adjunct faculty and transformed the academic organization of the undergraduate school across 25 campus in Mexico, leading the curricular redesign and implementation of the Tec21 Model. He championed the creation of the Institute of Enterprising Families at the School in 2019, and seeded the development of its Conscious Enterprise Center, formally inaugurated in 2021. In addition, he supported the leading team in charge of positioning the graduate EGADE Business School as the leading global-Latin American business institution.

He served as Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Tecnológico de Monterrey from February 2012 to February 2020, during which time he also implemented the transformation of institutional governance organs and processes.

Juan Pablo is particularly focused on promoting strategic innovation, talent attraction, the integration of high-impact teams, and on building an organizational culture and experience that reflects the principles and values of Tecnológico de Monterrey to serve its 2030 Vision: leadership, innovation and entrepreneurship for human flourishing.

Before joining Tecnológico de Monterrey, Juan Pablo worked at McKinsey & Company for over a decade. He advised a global portfolio of public, private, and non-profit clients in Mexico, the United States, Russia, Colombia, and Brazil, leading projects in the financial, energy, consumer goods, retail, education, and philanthropy sectors.

He serves as President of the FIMPES Board of Directors, and as a Board member of the Civic Council of Institutions of Nuevo León (Consejo Cívico de Instituciones de Nuevo León) and the Eugenio Garza Lagüera Entrepreneurship Institute at Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Juan Pablo holds a bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering from Tecnológico de Monterrey and holds an MBA from NYU Stern School of Business.

He is married to María Enríquez Rodríguez and they have three children: Jimena, Juan Emilio, and María Andrea.
